Interview with the author

 Hello, recently I reviewed the book of Peter gray, named Awakening. You can check it on my profile to

read the full review. And here is the interview of her. 

Read and connect more. 

1. Tell us about yourself. 

 I write under the pen name, Peter Gray. My stories can be best described as Gothic romance, mystery, and paranormal suspense. My main objective is to explore the confines of reality, human nature, and ambivalent characters. Most of the fictional characters that I have penned are never truly good or evil but fall somewhere in between. I studied History and English literature in University, so a lot of my past knowledge on these subject matters are reflected in my stories. There is a bit of my soul revealed in the stories- some more than others. I sometimes feel as though writing stories is like wearing a mask. It is a temporary pantomime where can explore different characters and their desires. I suppose all forms of art are like that in a way- it is just another avenue of escapism!
2. How did you come up with the idea of your most recent book? 
My latest book “Far from Home: Book One” was inspired by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s “Sherlock Holmes” series and the classic 1931 film “Dracula.” My aim was to write a dark noir full of heightened suspense and the paranormal. This story is significantly different from my other novelsbecause it is written solely from a male’s perspective. Detective Varon must investigate the sudden disappearance of Victoria Reeds, otherwise his entire career is at stake. Detective Varon must work against the clockhe is aware that his reputation is on the verge of destruction, but also the young, innocent woman that he is desperately trying to find. 
3. How many days it took to write your last book? 
“Far from Home: Book One” was written more than two years ago. It was penned some time in my undergrad, so my memory is a bit muddled. I would approximate that it took me an entire month to write the story, merely because it was written in between school lectures. I specifically recall writing some parts on the bus home from school, which was a terribly long drive- two hours to be exact. I have no idea how I managed it, but tunnel vision must have caved in, because I was not aware of my surroundings or the noises of the people around me. Without a doubt this novella is my shortest published work thus far, but it took me the longest to write it down. An interesting factoid for you, I have very recently completed “Far from Home: Book Three.” This final edition of the story was written in a span of three weeks, the delay was a result of me reviewing my notes on the impact of World War One on British civilians in and around London city. I particularly favour this story because I really had the chance to dive into the character’s psyche and their emotions. For most of the trilogy, McVeigh is painted as the villain, but suddenly the audience begins to understand his motives and the reason he is so haunted by his immense love for Victoria Reeds. It was nice to wrap up the entire story, and I eagerly await to publish the next two series of “Far from Home” in the year 2022.
4. Who is your inspiration? 
Two English writers come to mind: John Keats and Charlotte BrontëThe poems of Keats speak to me because of the sensations he brings out of his poems, and the fullness of his imagery. The Brontë sisters are also a talented group when it comes to classic English literature, but it is the eldest sister, Charlotte, that resonates with my soul. I have noticed a similarity in our lives, such as writing under a male pseudonym, working as an educator, and being strongly impacted by a male mentor and fellow educator (which revealed in my next book “At Peace”). Furthermore, I enjoy writing novels in her time-period, especially when it involves mystery and romance. 
5. From your first book to the most recent one, how have you grown as a writer? 
When I wrote “Cursed” it was catered to a certain audience. At that time, I was immersed in the fanfiction world, where I read and wrote it almost religiously. The reason for the main character, Sara, open sexuality, and boldness towards the opposite sex was influenced from my immersion with fanfiction stories. “Cursed” is tailored towards teenagers in their later years, or readers in the twenties. The style of dialogue, language, and modern-day references all contribute to the target market that I was aiming towards. A lot of my readers noted that “Cursed” is significantly different from “The Tragic Tale of Teddy Woven” and “Awakening,” but the reason is quite simple actually: it was written for a specific audience that enjoyed a short smutty read with the added ambiance of mystery and suspense. The next three books I published are designed for an older audience, and one that would prefer a clean romance. The goal for the next three novels was to develop the relationship between the two love interests before they do anything intimate (i.e. kissing or holding hands). I wanted theto be a slow burn, and that is the reason that it has a different feel when compared to my first published novel “Cursed.”
6. As an author, what are you trying to communicate to the world? 

I want to show the world morally grey characters. The same old story of heroes versus villains is tiring and contrite to me. As a child I found it hard to root for the hero, mostly because I was emphatic towards the villain. I knew their terrible actions were a result of loneliness, despair, or revenge to sooth away their pain. There is always a “back story” to the villain, another tale that is lost to the reader. As a writer, I try to explore these themes, which can be seen in my latest novella “Far from Home: Book One.” The audience is led to believe one thing about the shady character, McVeigh, but it is not until the third novel that the audience understands the true reasonings behind his actions. You see, there is a story behind every action, a cause and an effect, or a mask behind a person’s identity. My job as a writer is to reveal these truths and show some small gimmer of the human’s soul. 

I also want to communicate social justice issues, but it mostly subtly done. Often time, I will reveal injustices against the character to cause a sudden reaction from the reader. For instance, in “Far from Home: Book One” the main character, Detective Varon, is fearful of the police department discovering his Jewish ethnicity, or the racial inequality when another investigator is causing severe injury to a coloured man to retrieve information for his case. I want to talk about racial inequality, feminism issues, LGBT issues, or the treatment of women in the nineteenth century (and present day). As a society we have come a long way, but there are still changes that need to be done to improve the lives of all individuals. A pen gives me the power to shed light on the failings of our society, but it can also relish in the power of love, freedom, and individualism. I believe I was put on the earth for the purpose of becoming a writer, and I want to make sure I use my time well, even if that means publishing multiple stories to get my point across. If I have impacted a single reader in a positive way than I believe I have done something right in this world. Thank you for taking the time to ask me these questions, and I hope that I shed a little bit of light on my writing philosophies and life as an author.


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